Training: Insurance Billing

🌟 Watch the video demonstration of INSURANCE BILLING below: 


0:00β€” Indicating DX and Service codes in your SOAP Note
2:30β€” Importing Charges
3:49β€” Reviewing Codes, Diagnosis Pointing
5:35β€” Claim Info
6:25β€” Adding Insurance to the Purchase
7:10β€” Payment Estimation Breakdown (Benefits, Billed Amounts, Allowed Amounts)
8:40β€” Non-billable Service Codes
10:00β€” Take Payment
10:33β€” Patient Invoice, Viewing Purchases, Payments, and Statements
12:11β€” Billing for a Subsequent Visit
12:54β€” SALT
14:50β€” Locking a Purchase
16:32β€” Claim Statuses
17:54β€” Generate Claims
22:04β€” Adding and Posting ERAs

Purchases Β 

Importing codes into a purchase

Patient Invoices Β 

Manage insurance policies

Generating batch electronic claimsΒ 

Generating individual electronic claimsΒ 

ChiroUp business rules for claims generationΒ 


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