Create a new condition protocol

ChiroUp enables you to create your own condition protocols so you can employ your best practice care!

💡 Pro-Tip: 

ChiroUp also enables you to create your own exercises, ADLs, treatment descriptions, and more! Find out how by clicking here. 



Here's how to create a new condition protocol: 

1) Navigate to the Condition reference under the Clinical Skills section. Click +Add in the top right corner.


2) Fill out the empty fields with your desired information. (Remember to fill both the General and Management tabs!) 



The "General" tab is used for the condition name, lay description, images, and patient video, and the "Management" tab is where you will select clinical evaluations and treatment techniques (if desired), treatment description, ADLs, and exercises. 



3)  Click save to confirm.



You will have the option to save “As New” (we recommend re-naming the item when selecting this option), “As a default for ____ clinic” (visible to all users), or “For me only” (visible to you only). Only Admin users can save as default for a clinic. 


View a video demonstration below:

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