Add a new clinic to your account

⚠️ Subscriptions cover all providers for a single location. Each location will be billed separately. For more information, please contact sales at 844-462-4476 (ext. 1) or becki@chiroup.com. 

If you are looking to set up another independent location(s) that is operating or billed separately, you will want to create a new clinic. 

Note: If you are looking to set up additional location(s) that operate as a single business, provide shared access across teams, and are billed together, you will want to add those on as 
additional locations instead of creating a new clinic. 

Here's how to add a new clinic:

1) Navigate to the top right profile icon and select the green button with two arrows.

2) Select create a new clinic.

3) Enter your new clinic's information, and press Create clinic.

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